Sikkerhed i Rush

For dansk læs her:

Generelle sikkerhedsregler

Før I går på banen i Rush Aarhus skal alle have gennemgået og forstået parkens sikkerhedsregler.

Sikkerhedsvideon skal være set, før I kan gå ind på banen. Vær sikker på, at I har forstået det der præsenteres i videoen og spørg Rush-personalet, hvis noget er uklart.

For english scroll a bit down.

For english read here:

General safety rules

Before you go into the trampoline park in Rush Aarhus, everyone must have reviewed and understood the safety rules.

The safety video must be seen before you can enter the trampoline park. Be sure you have understood what is presented in the video and ask the Rush staff if anything is unclear.

  • Tøm lommerne før du begynder at hoppe
  • Tyggegummi er forbudt
  • Hav altid fuld kontrol og bøj knæene, når du lander
  • Hop altid i midten af trampolinen – undgå at hoppe for tæt på kanterne
  • Land altid på to ben
  • Det er tilladt at hoppe fra en trampolin til en anden, men det er ikke tilladt at løbe fra trampolin til trampolin
  • Hop altid kun 1 person pr trampolin.
  • Hold dig inden for dit eget færdighedsniveau. Forsøg aldrig ekstreme tricks, medmindre du kan disse i forvejen – dobbelt salto er ikke tilladt
  • Hop kun ud i airbaggen, når du er sikker på, at der er fri bane. Land aldrig direkte på benene – land i stedet på ryggen eller numsen.
  • Er du træt, så tag en pause – sid aldrig på trampolinerne.
  • Vis hensyn til de andre hoppere
  • Empty the pockets before you start jumping
  • Chewing gum is prohibited
  • Always be in full control and bend your knees when you land
  • Always jump in the center of the trampoline – avoid jumping too close to the edges
  • Always land on two feet
  • Jumping from one trampoline to another is allowed, but running from trampoline to trampoline is not allowed
  • Always jump only 1 person per trampoline.
  • Stay within your own skill level. Never attempt extreme tricks unless you know them beforehand – double somersaults are not allowed
  • Only jump into the airbag when you are sure that it is a clear of other guests. Never land directly on your legs – instead land on your back or butt.
  • If you are tired, take a break – never sit on the trampolines.
  • Show consideration for the other jumpers

Brud på reglerne kan medføre bortvisning.

Lyt altid til instruktioner givet af Rush-personale.

Violation of the rules may result in expulsion.

Always listen to instructions given by Rush personnel.

Adgang til banen er ikke tilladt for:

  • Personer påvirket af alkohol eller andre rusmidler
  • Gravide

Adgang til banen er ikke anbefalet for:

  • Personer med ryg- eller nakkeskader
  • Personer med sygdom, der påvirker hjerter/lunger, eller som har andre fysiske udfordringer

Access to the trampoline park is not permitted for:

  • Persons under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  • Pregnant women

Access to the trampoline park is not recommended for:

  • People with back or neck injuries
  • People with disease affecting the heart/lungs or who have other physical challenges

General safety rules

Before you go onto the trampoline park in Rush Aarhus, everyone must have reviewed and understood the safety rules.

The safety video must be seen before you can enter the trampoline park. Be sure you have understood what is presented in the video and ask the Rush staff if anything is unclear.

  • Empty the pockets before you start jumping
  • Chewing gum is prohibited
  • Always be in full control and bend your knees when you land
  • Always jump in the center of the trampoline – avoid jumping too close to the edges
  • Always land on two feet
  • Jumping from one trampoline to another is allowed, but running from trampoline to trampoline is not allowed
  • Always jump only 1 person per trampoline.
  • Stay within your own skill level. Never attempt extreme tricks unless you know them beforehand – double somersaults are not allowed
  • Only jump into the airbag when you are sure that it is clear from other guests. Never land directly on your legs – instead land on your back or butt.
  • If you are tired, take a break – never sit on the trampolines.
  • Show consideration for the other jumpers

Violation of the rules may result in expulsion.

Always listen to instructions given by Rush personnel.

Access to the trampoline park is not permitted for:

  • Persons under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  • Pregnant women

Access to the trampoline park is not recommended for:

  • People with back or neck injuries
  • People with disease affecting the heart/lungs or who have other physical challenges
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